Home / Minnesota / Brainerd
Welfare Offices provides low-income individuals and families with assistance. This includes support with child care, food assistance, cash for needy families, burial assistance . We provide office hours and details on these locations.

Crow Wing County Social Services

Crow Wing County Social Services
Phone: (218) 824-1140
Address: 204 Laurel St Brainerd, MN 56401
Crow Wing County

Area Welfare Offices

Due to the low number of listings in Brainerd, we have added area listings below. All listings are within 30 miles of Brainerd.

Morrison County Social Services

Morrison County Social Services
Phone: (320) 632-2951
Address: 213 SE 1st Ave Little Falls, MN 56345

Issaquena County DHS-Family and Children's Services

Issaquena County DHS-Family and Children's Services
Phone: (662) 873-2241
Address: 73 Vanevender St Mayersville, MN 39113