Home / Wisconsin / New Richmond
Welfare Offices provides low-income individuals and families with assistance. This includes support with child care, food assistance, cash for needy families, burial assistance . We provide office hours and details on these locations.

St. Croix County Department of Health and Human Services

St. Croix County Department of Health and Human Services
Phone: (715) 246-8257
Address: 1752 Dorset Lane New Richmond, WI 54017
Saint Croix County

Area Welfare Offices

Due to the low number of listings in New Richmond, we have added area listings below. All listings are within 30 miles of New Richmond.

Polk County Department of Human Services

Polk County Department of Human Services
Phone: (715) 485-8400
Address: 100 Polk Co. Plaza Balsam Lake, WI 54810

Pierce County Department of Human Services

Pierce County Department of Human Services
Phone: (715) 273-6788
Address: 412 W. Kinne Street Ellsworth, WI 54011

Washington County Community Services

Washington County Community Services
Phone: (651) 430-6455
Address: 14949 62nd St No Stillwater, MN 55082

Chisago County Health and Human Services

Chisago County Health and Human Services
Phone: (651) 213-5649
Address: 313 N Main St Center City, MN 55012