Hours of OperationThe Amador County Department of Social Services is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm.
If you need to report a lost or stolen EBT card, please call 1-877-328-9677.
Calworks Provides:
Supportive Services
Child Care Is provided to CalWORKs Participants while they participate in employment activities.
Mental Health The Alameda County Behavioral Health Care Services (BHCS) provide mental health services to eligible individuals in Social Services Agency programs. Individuals can call BHCS' toll-free ACCESS line to receive information and referrals for mental health services. ACCESS has staff who speak languages other than English.
Alcohol & Drug Addiction Behavioral Health Care Services (BHCS)also provides alcohol & other drug services to eligible individuals in Social Services Agency programs. Individuals can call BHCS' toll-free ACCESS line to receive information and referrals for alcohol & other drug services. ACCESS has staff who speak languages other than English.
SSI Advocacy Supplemental Security Income is a federally funded program providing benefits for people with specific impairments. These may include physical or psychological impairments.
Housing and Homeless
The Alameda County Social Services Agency provides cash aid or housing voucher assistance to families and single adults who are homeless or at-risk of becoming homeless in the county. The Agency also contracts with local county homeless shelter providers to provide emergency shelter for homeless singles and families throughout the county. The Agency provides assistance for eligible families through the CalWORKs Program. This program can provide families with emergency and permanent housing assistance, including motel vouchers and move-in assistance.
Single adults eligible for General Assistance can be provided with either:
Cash aid, if they are already in housing
Emergency shelter and a small cash allowance for personal necessities.
General Assistance Program
County funded assistance program for indigent adults not aided by other federal or state assistance programs.