Bergen County Board of Social Services is the local welfare office.
Hours: Mondays, Wednesdays through Fridays: 7:45 AM- 4:45 PM,
Tuesdays.: 7:45 AM -8:00 PM
This office provides
Bergen County Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) and Utility Assistance
SNAP Food Stamps
TANF Cash Assistance
NJ Family Care / Medicaid
General Assistance
Homeless Prevention Services
Child support services are coordinated by the Department to help custodial parents receive child support payments that, for one reason or another, they are not obtaining from the children's non-custodial parent. The state child support and paternity website is www.njchildsupport.org.
Other services include:
Food Stamps - now called SNAP, for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - help eligible New Jerseyans – including senior citizens on small fixed incomes - receive benefits that help them afford a nutritionally balanced diet. Local County Welfare Agencies/Boards of Social Services determine who is eligible for food stamps.
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) helps eligible people who are over age 65, blind and/or disabled, receive Federal Social Security Administration dollars to help them pay for special living arrangements (e.g., nursing home care), burial costs, legal fees, and other emergency costs.
WorkFirst New Jersey (WFNJ) is the state’s public assistance program, designed to help families move to self-sufficiency by offering them a full array of supports, from child care, health insurance and transportation, to substance abuse treatment and emergency funds. Recipients face a five-year lifetime limit on cash assistance, and must become employed or take part in work activities.
To qualify for Bergen County Emergency Rental and Utility Assistance funding, applicants must meet the following criteria::
Bergen County resident primarily responsible for paying rent;
Immigration Status does not matter, any non-US Citizen may apply
Make less than 80% of the average median income of Bergen County (e.g., less than $78,500 for a family of four);
Experienced a loss of income or financial burden since March 13, 2020 related to the Covid-19 pandemic;