Programs Offered:
The program also provides assistance with the following types of services:
Homeless Assistance;
Cal-Learn, a teen parent program;
Welfare-to-Work services by participating in the Greater Avenues for Independence (GAIN) program which provides the following types of assistance:
Job preparation and work opportunities;
Child care; and
Specialized supportive services such as Domestic Violence, treatment for mental health and substance abuse problems, and Family Preservation Program.
The name for California's Food Stamp Program has changed as a result of recent State law. The new name for the program is "CalFresh". The name change will not change your benefits. The amount of CalFresh (formerly known as food stamp) benefits you receive will not be different because of the name change.
I've been calling to make an application for cash I talked to two workers but it always hangs up never get the call back How can I get someone to call me to finish my application?