General Relief is a County funded program that provides cash or in-kind services to needy individuals and childless couples who are not eligible for assistance under any other categorical aid program. Grants are intended to assist with the costs of food, shelter, personal needs and other living expenses.
General Relief recipients must be at least 18 years of age unless they are:
A court approved emancipated minor
A legally married, childless minor couple
A childless, one time legally married but separated or divorced minor
To qualify, applicants must be unemployed or incapacitated.
Work Requirements
All employable General Relief applicants and recipients must be available for, and actively seeking, full time employment. Strikers and daytime students are not eligible for General Relief. Employable recipients are prohibited from receiving aid for more than three months in any twelve-month period.
Incapacity is a physical or mental condition which renders the applicant or recipient unable to work. Medical evidence of incapacity must be verified by a health care professional approved by the County.
General Relief Resource Limits
Personal Property including bank accounts, may not exceed $1,000
Real Property, other than the primary residence, may not exceed $3,500
Motor Vehicles: The net market value of a motor vehicle shall not exceed $1,500
Any amount in excess of the $1,500 limit will be included in the personal property limit
Hi ,I would like to apply for General Relief.I am really struggling with this covid-19 that has me unable to apply for pandemic assistance due to someone committing fraud .If there's any way you can help me with anything I would highly appreciate it thank you and have a good day.