CA DSS - Department of Social ServicesIn California, eligibility for food benefits and/or cash aid assistance is determined at the local county office.
This the local County office.
CAlfresh is the State of California Food Stamp Program, also know as SNAP.
This is a county operated Federal program.
Benefits are for food or food products for a healthy nutritional diet.
Electronic Benefit Cards, EBT, are used to purchase CAlfresh items.
Income requirement for CAlfresh:
CalFresh households, except those containing an aged (60 or older) or disabled member or where all members receive cash assistance, are subject to gross and net income determination tests.
Gross Income - all non-excludable income from any source including all earned income and all unearned income.
The maximum gross allowed is 200% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL)[except for households who are sanctioned, households with certain convicted drug felons (until April 1, 2015) or households who have been convicted of an Intentional Program Violation]. If the household passes the gross income test, then the net income test is computed. Net income is computed by deducting the following, if applicable, from gross income. The resultant amount cannot exceed 100% of the Federal Poverty Level. Office Hours: Mondays through Fridays 8:30am to 5pm. Interview An interview is required before certifying your household to get CalFresh benefits. The interview can occur in the county office or by telephone (in most counties). The interview may be held with the head of household, spouse, the authorized representative or any other responsible household family member. An interview is required annually. An eligibility worker will explain the program rules and help your household complete any parts of the application that have not yet been completed. After the interview, the CalFresh office will send a notice. If your household does not qualify for CalFresh benefits, the notice will explain why. If your household does qualify, the notice will explain how much the CalFresh benefit will be for your household. It will also explain how many months you can receive CalFresh benefits (certification period) before being re-certified. Local CalFresh office officials may waive the face-to-face part of the interview requirement if traveling to the county welfare department would be a hardship for your household. The face-to-face feature must be waived if your household is composed only of elderly or disabled members with no earned income. VerificationThe CalFresh worker may also ask for proof of certain information that has been reported. The following must be verified prior to certification: Identification Immigration Status (in some cases) Sponsored Non-citizen Information (in some cases) Residency SSN number for all Household Members Gross Income Evidence of Disability Utility Expenses Medical Expenses Child Support Obligations and PaymentsFor expedited service, only identification is required and other verification can be postponed. Other verification such as shelter costs, dependent care costs, household size, and liquid resources do not require verification unless questionable.