Chaffee County HHS Office Salida

In Salida, we are located in the newly remodel Touber Building on 448 East First Street in Salida. Otherwise known as the "Old Hospital building". Parking in the rear, and enter from back of the building.  Our office hours are Monday through Friday 8:15 am to 4:45 pm.  We are closed for lunch from 12:30 1:30pm.

You can drop off your TANF application at this office.

Cash Assistance Programs
Aid to the Blind (State AB) This program is for persons, ages birth to 59, who are blind. This is a cash only program and does not include medical assistance.
Aid to the Needy Disabled (State AND) This program is for persons, ages 18-59, who are totally disabled, for at least 6 months. This is a cash only program and does not include medical assistance.
Colorado Supplement to SSI (Supplemental Security Income) This program is for persons who are receiving SSI but not receiving the full SSI amount.
Colorado Works/TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) Through the Colorado Works Program, counties provide family stabilization assistance and other supportive services to enable eligible low-income families to find and retain employment and to provide for their children. Assistance and services provided may include child care, housing and transportation, cash payments, counseling for those experiencing domestic violence, mental health or substance abuse problems, and services aimed to reduce the incidences of out-of-wedlock births and encourage the formation and maintenance of two parent families.
Food Assistance Food Assistance is a program to assist with the cost of food.
Home Care Allowance This is a cash assistance program for individuals that need assistance in daily living.
Old Age Pension This is a cash assistance program for low-income persons, ages 60 or over, and may include medical benefits.
Medical Assistance Programs
Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) This program provides health insurance for low-income children up to age 19 and pregnant women.
Family Medical Assistance This program provides medical insurance for children up to age 19, families and pregnant women.
Emergency Medical Services (non-qualifying citizens) This program is for non-citizens who need help with an emergency medical expense. All persons are eligible to apply regardless of age.
Long Term Care (Nursing Home) This is a program for person needing help to pay for services in a medical facility for more than 30 consecutive days.   persons have to meet a medical assessment.
Long Term Care (Home and Community Based Services) This is a program for person needing help to pay for services in their home for more than 30 consecutive days.  These persons have to meet a medical assessment.
Medicare Savings Program (QMB, SLMB, QI-1) These programs may help persons receiving Part A (Prescriptions are not a covered benefit.)
Medicare Part DLow Income Subsidy (LIS) This program may help person receiving Medicare Part D with their premiums, co-pays and deductibles.
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Medicaid This program provides medical benefits for anyone receiving SSI. (No application needed for this program)
Old Age Pension-State Medical Program This program may help person receiving Old Age Pension Financial Assistance.

Phone: 719-530-2500
Address: 448 E 1st St Salida, CO 81201
Website: Visit Website
Facebook Page: Facebook Page
Email: Contact

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