Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Economic Assistance
Financial Assistance for Disabled Adults
Aid to the Blind (AB)
Colorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCCAP)
Child Support Enforcement
Colorado Works/Temporary Aid to Needy Families (TANF)
Food Assistance
Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP)
Old Age Pension (OAP)
Supplemental Social Security Income (SSI)
How To Apply
There are several options available to you for filing an application for financial, medical or food assistance in Colorado:
Online: Visit http://coloradopeak.force.com/ to learn if you might be eligible for benefits and to apply online. (PEAK is a secure website run by the State of Colorado, and it is available in English and Spanish.)
Paper: Print an application using these links and fax, mail or deliver it in-person to one of our Delta County Human Services offices. English Application | Spanish Solicitud de Assistencia Publica. You may also pick up an application at one of our offices or call (970) 874-2030 to request to have one mailed to you.
What to Bring When Applying
To determine eligibility, an application must be completed with verification of income, resources, expenses,
Social Security number(s), proof of lawful presence and a signed affidavit. An interview will determine if any
further verification is required. Bring as many of the following documents as possible. Do not wait to apply if
you do not have all verifications needed. You can gather needed information after your application has been
Proof of Age, such as:
Birth Certificate
Baptismal Certificate
Statement from Social Security
Drivers License
Photo Identification Card
Military Discharge Papers
Alien Registration Card
Naturalization Papers
Proof of U.S. Citizenship, such as:
Birth certificate
Social Security Card
Naturalization Papers
Alien Registration Papers
Proof of Colorado Residency, such as:
Self-written statement testifying you are a resident of Colorado
Rent Receipt
Lease Agreement
Mortgage Statement
Voter Registration
Telephone bill
Utility bill
Proof of your and your spouses gross income, such as:
Payroll stubs
Verification of Social Security and SSI
Tax Return
Letter from Employer
Proof of other income or checks you receive (child support, alimony, self-employment, financial aid)
Proof of Resources, such as:
Checking/Savings/Certificate of Deposit Bank statements
Letter from the Bank
Statements for investment accounts, stocks, bonds
Vehicle Registration (vehicles, boats, motor homes, etc.)
Letter from Broker
Deed and mortgages for real property
Letter from County Assessors Office
Life Insurance Policies
Letter from Life Insurance Company
Burial Contract or Policy
Tax Return
(Some resources may not count toward the resource limit.)