Kings County Human Services Agency Corcoran

CalFresh also known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP),historically and commonly known as the Food Stamp Program, is designed to help meetthe nutritional needs of people with low income.

It supports healthy living which isimportant to agriculture in California and it is better viewed as a health and nutritionprogram.

CalFresh may not be used for items such as liquor, cigarettes, householdsupplies, or hot foods.

The CalFresh allotments are determined on a semi-annual basisutilizing income information received from the family.

While Food Stamps were once provided in coupon form, the state began deliveringnutrition assistance benefits via EBT Cards (similar to ATM cards) in 1996.

The EBTProgram was implemented in Lake County on July 1, 2004.

The cards are accepted atgrocers and retailers throughout the State and across the country.

The account balanceis automatically adjusted according to purchases.

The EBT system increases securityand reliability of benefits, modernizes benefit redemption and reduces stigma attachedto purchases made with paper coupons. 

Phone: (559) 992-5080
Address: 951 Chittenden Avenue Corcoran, CA 93212
Website: Visit Website

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