Monmouth County Division of Social Services is the local welfare office.
Hours: Mondays through Fridays 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM.
This office provides:
Monmouth County Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP)
SNAP Food Stamps
TANF Cash Assistance
NJ Family Care / Medicaid applications etc.
General Assistance
Family and Adult Social Services:
Homeless Prevention Services
SSH TANF– SSH TANF provides temporary financial assistance provided to families with at least one dependent child to prevent homelessness when other funding is not applicable.
Senior Citizen Emergency Program – The Division receives funding from the Monmouth County Division of Senior Services to assist seniors with emergencies related to housing, medical care and transportation.
Temporary Emergency Medication Program (TEMP)– County funded program to provide temporary emergency medications for qualified individuals.
I am writing on behalf of Phillip Guinn. He received a Notice to Quit from PTAK Towers in the Highlands due to an elderly neighbor that believes Phil makes too much noise closing cabinets, TV etc. Fact is walls are paper thin. Phil receives SSI assistance, collects carriages at a local Foodtown and I believe, is being taken advantage of due to his learning disability. He has been told his lease has been terminated and he must leave no later than March 15, 2023. Fact is, Phillip is being bullied and is defenseless. He has filed a request for a grievance hearing. I take care of Phillip and have his SSI deposited in a joint account so he can pay his bills. We have called your office but have been transferred around with no call backs. Please help