The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly known as the Food Stamp Program, provides monthly benefits that help low-income households buy the food they need for good health.
SNAP is a federal program administered locally by the Mississippi Department of Human Services.
From the beginning, SNAP was the largest project in the country's hunger safety net.
SNAPs are intended to be a supplement to one's income to help ensure that nutritional needs are met.
* low-wage work.* are unemployed or part-time.* receive TANF, SSI or other assistance benefits.* are elderly or disabled and live on low incomes.
Using the SNAP pre-check tool, available through the Food and Nutrition Service , does not determine whether a household qualifies for SNAP, but can be used to find out how to determine entitlements.
It is a way to deliver Supplemental Nutrition Assistance ProgramĀ benefits without paper coupons.
Using a plastic card that acts like a debit card, the recipient can access the benefits on a retail POS device.