The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly known as the food stamp program, provides monthly benefits that help low-income households buy the food they need for good health.
SNAP is a federal program administered locally by the Mississippi Department of Human Services.
On a national scale, SNAP is the largest programmed in the national hunger safety network.
SNAP is intended to be a supplement to your income to help ensure that nutritional needs are met.
Mississippi residents facing food insecurity are invited to apply for the program.
Help is available for those who have difficulty putting food on the table.
The use of snap's initial safety screening tool, available through the Food and Nutrition Service, does not specify household authority to snap, but can be used to express how eligibility is determined.
It's a way to provide Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits without using paper coupons.
By using a plastic card that functions as a debit card, recipients can access their benefits at retail outlet (POS) devices.