Emergency Safety Net Assistance
Core Service Agencies provide safety net services to San Mateo County residents in need of food, emergency housing assistance, emergency utility assistance, shelter and other basic needs. Call the Core Service Agency that serves your area to find out more about the services they offer and how to access services.
Case Management, Counseling and Referrals
Client Services is the first point of contact for nearly all individuals and families Samaritan House serves. Our case managers evaluate the financial, health, housing, educational and career needs of our clients and determines what services will help them reach stability. We partner with the County as well as other local agencies to ensure each person has access to all of the benefits and services they need to take care of themselves and their families.
Coordinated Entry System (CES)
Samaritan House was selected by San Mateo County to administer the Coordinated Entry System program, a county-wide program for all 7 Core Service Agencies, designed to streamline and prioritize access for the most vulnerable San Mateo County residents seeking homelessness services. CES diverts clients from shelters where possible, to then enable effective utilization of the countys limited shelter spaces. Using all available resources, we can work with at risk individuals and families to solve their housing crisis together.
All services are offered in English and Spanish.
Todos los servicios se ofrecen en ingls y espaol.