This office provides:
Social Services
Anti-Fraud, Waste and Abuse
Child Support Enforcement
Children and Family Services
Coordinated Children's Services
Day Care Unit
Early Intervention and Preschool Special Education Programs
Medical Assistance Program
Temporary Assistance
Inter-Agency Council on Domestic Violence and Human Trafficking
Safe Harbour Program
If you need to speak to someone or if you have questions, please call:
Temporary Assistance: (845) 334-5440
Emergency Housing (845) 334-5360
SNAP: (845) 334-5200
HEAP: (845) 334-5436
Medicaid: (845) 334-5175
Employment: (845) 334-5317
Daycare: (845) 334-5489
Child Support Customer Service Helpline: 1-888-208-4485
Child Support Customer Service Information Line: 1-800-846-0773
Early Intervention & Preschool Special Education Programs: (845) 334-5251
Adult Protective Services: (845) 334-5125
Child & Family Services: (845) 334-5400
Anti-fraud, Waste and Abuse Hotline: (855) SIU-TIPS or (855) 748-8477
Emergency Rental Assistance Program
Temporary Assistance
Temporary cash benefits and support for those who are found to be financially eligible. Emergency assistance may also be available for a crisis situation such as an eviction or utility shut -off or for those who are homeless, with no food or are a victim of Domestic Violence.
SNAP Food Stamps
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP - formerly Food Stamps) supplements the food budget of financially eligible households.
Health insurance coverage for low-income persons not required to obtain coverage directly from New York State of Health. (https://nystateofhealth.ny.gov) Coverage assists with medical bills, hospitalization, doctor’s visits, prescriptions etc. Also coverage for income eligible elderly and disabled and for nursing home care.
Child Care Subsidies
Help with child care costs for income eligible people to support employment and/or training leading to employment or if a parent(s) is unable to care for children due to illness or incapacity.
Child Support
Assists Albany County Public Assistance recipients in establishing paternity (if needed) and establishment and enforcement of child support orders. DSS also assists when there is a dispute over court ordered child support for all County residents
HEAP Program
The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) helps low-income people pay the cost of heating their homes.
If you are eligible, you may receive one regular HEAP benefit per program year and could also be eligible for emergency HEAP benefits if you are in danger of running out of fuel or having your utility service shut off.