Westmoreland Department of Social Services

This is a local department of social services. Fill out an "Application for Benefits" from the forms section on this page and return it here.

Phone: (804) 493-9305
Address: 18849 Kings Highway Montross, VA 22520
Website: Visit Website
Email: Contact
  • 2024-03-07

    When complaints are made and follow up phone calls are requested there are no return calls. I truly understand any social services can be busy, however with adult protection complaints someone should get back with a person!especially one who made the complaint regarding follow up. Lastly, no Social Worker should ever advise ANYONE their family have issues they need to workout! The dynamics of every family have people with “issues needing to be worked out” because every family, including the Social worker have similar if not greater! We are dealing with human aspects such as addiction, abusive natures such as greed, underlying agendas and other aspects of human nature. The essential dynamic are those who come together and make decisions in “the best interest of an abused relative such as mine! As I post this comment we are expecting an update from the supervisor as I’ve not received one since I called.

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